I have always loved that time in the morning when you first wake but you don’t have to hit the floor running. That time when you can leisurely stretch and think about the day to come or remember favorite times from your past. On work days, I would set my alarm early so I had a few minutes to just be lazy. I’m “old” now and on my own, so on days off there is nothing to stop me from laying about as long as I want – nothing that is except feeling guilty for being lazy. I discovered this phrase on Facebook this week – Hurkle-Durkle is Scottish for that time to lounge in bed long after its time to get up. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

The best time to hurkle-durkle is when you’re camping. That peaceful time when the sun is getting ready to come up and all you can hear is the birds waking up and greeting the new day. You can lay there and listen as the rest of the world slowly comes to life.

Its impossible to feel guilty about something that sounds as fun as hurkle-durkling! It is now my favorite pastime. I could hurkle-durkle for hours if I could just get room service to deliver my coffee each day. The Scottish got it right. Every country should have a fun word for this. Any suggestions on what the new English word should be for this?

May all your days start with a little Hurkle-Durkling!