I’m, sure all of my northern friends are sick of the white stuff by now, but here in south Georgia it’s a rarity. I miss snow. Oh, I don’t miss shoveling snow, but I miss the rest. My first winter down here was Atlanta’s “Snowgeddon”. My cousin blamed it on me. Since then, there have been a couple ice storms and one day there were enough flurries to cover the ground and grab a quick photo – sadly it may have only lasted 15 minutes. North Georgia, in the mountains, usually sees snow several times a year. Not true for south Georgia.

I woke up early this morning and it was raining. I did the only logical thing, turned over and went back to sleep for a while. When I woke next, it was cloudy but the rain had moved on. I grabbed my phone to see what was happening – WHAT????? Snow flurries expected in the next hour!!! No time to hurkle durkle today! Jumped out of bed, got ready for work, and fixed a quick breakfast. Like a kid on Christmas Eve watching for Santa, I was glued to my window eagerly awaiting the first flurries. Do I grab a camera or stick with my phone? Sigh….. Sun is out; no snow again. I just want one good snow that last long enough to make a snow angel or two, build a snowman, and maybe have a snowball fight. Is it really too much to ask? i guess so. Come to think of it, it may be easier to get photo of Santa on Christmas Eve. Today’s not a total loss. Sitting at Black Smoke Coffee with a caramel latte!