Today my friend and coworker turned 18. It’s such a milestone, but it comes with a lot of angst. Excitement about finally being an adult, and wondering if you are ready to or want to adult. You can finally vote, but can also be called for jury duty. You can move out and be on your own, but of course all the bills and headaches with that can be overwhelming. It’s a rite of passage that brings wonderous new freedoms and responsibilities.

To you, Dawson, and all the others coming of age this year. You can do it! You have so much to look forward to to. So many new things to experience. Be sure to take the time enjoy everything along the way. Remember problems and bad days are temporary and only make you stronger. Good days are made to be savored. If you start to feel overwhelmed find that place that calms your soul and rest for a minute and you’ll be ready to face anything.