One of the things I love about coffee shops is the variety – not of coffees but the atmosphere. Each shop has a special vibe and can alter your mood in a heartbeat. In Raleigh, NC., stop into Third Place and hang out with the dinosaur or catch up on the news and your reading at Duck’s Cottage in Duck, NC. (It’s been moved but this is the cottage that my best friend and her family used to vacation in back in the day.)

If you’re in Georgia and looking for something closer to home head to the Guild+Journeyman – you can get a great cup of coffee and get your bike fixed or buy a new one!

Jackson, Ga. has dog friendly Lucy Lu’s and Augusta has eclectic New Moon Cafe. Perry has Morning by Morning, a gas station turned coffee shop complete with a roof top patio so you can watch over the town and Sylvania has The Little Dipper, an ice cream/coffee shop.

These are just a few of my stops in my quest for a great cup of coffee! I think its about time for me to become a Sunday driver to search out some new ones!