I hate meetings, always have. I was so disappointed when I had to postpone my camping trip to attend a mandatory meeting yesterday. To me, meetings are a waste of time. Don’t get me wrong, this meeting did contain some needed information. Maybe I’m old fashioned, or maybe I’m just old, but I like memos. Everything is in writing – clear and concise. I always kept a memo notebook that employees were to read and sign as soon as they clocked in. There was no room for misunderstandings or he said, she said on either side. It also didn’t cut into anyone’s off time.

Since this meeting split my weekend up and made it almost impossible to go camping, I decided that something fun was needed to look forward to after the meeting. Homemade ice cream at Dickey Farms sounded perfect. A few of my coworkers decided to join me. We had a great afternoon! Ice cream doesn’t cure everything but it sure helps! If you’ve never been to Dickey Farms in Musella, you should plan a field trip later this spring or early summer. Once the strawberries and peaches start coming in you won’t be disappointed.

We stopped at a friend’s house on the way home to drop off some ice cream and this amazing tree was in bloom. Spring is on its way. Don’t forget to make some time to get out and enjoy it.